Movie: The Blind Side
Director: John Lee Hancock
Stars: Sandra Bullock, Tim McGraw, Quinton Aaron, Kathy Bates
Genre: Drama, Biography
Rated: PG-13
Synopsis: Michael Oher (Quinton Aaron) was going through life homeless until a woman named Leigh Anne Tuohy (Sandra Bullock) takes him in and with her and her family's love and support (and football), he grows to love them in return.
Commentary: I'm not a big fan of sports movies, they can be good but sports isn't really my field. The Blind Side was a good movie though, focusing more on the family aspect than the football aspect. Football was just a way for Michael and Leigh Anne to get to know each other and do something they both love. I'd recommend this movie, it's a touching, heart warming film that gives us hope that good people are still out there.
That being said, "white savior" movies seem to be coming out more and more lately. White Savior movies are when a black or other minority individual or group learns to succeed by a white person. Some critics didn't like The Blind Side because there are already so many white savior movies out there.
Some examples of white savior movies are: The Freedom Writers, Dances with Wolves, Gran Torino, Glory, here's a list for more. And I haven't seen 42 yet, but it looks like that's potentially one too.
Personally, I think it's alright for someone to help another person regardless of race, but I also think it's wrong that Hollywood uses this story arch constantly. It sends the wrong message, whether it's realized by the audience or not.
Fun Facts:
Synopsis: Michael Oher (Quinton Aaron) was going through life homeless until a woman named Leigh Anne Tuohy (Sandra Bullock) takes him in and with her and her family's love and support (and football), he grows to love them in return.
Commentary: I'm not a big fan of sports movies, they can be good but sports isn't really my field. The Blind Side was a good movie though, focusing more on the family aspect than the football aspect. Football was just a way for Michael and Leigh Anne to get to know each other and do something they both love. I'd recommend this movie, it's a touching, heart warming film that gives us hope that good people are still out there.
That being said, "white savior" movies seem to be coming out more and more lately. White Savior movies are when a black or other minority individual or group learns to succeed by a white person. Some critics didn't like The Blind Side because there are already so many white savior movies out there.
Some examples of white savior movies are: The Freedom Writers, Dances with Wolves, Gran Torino, Glory, here's a list for more. And I haven't seen 42 yet, but it looks like that's potentially one too.
Personally, I think it's alright for someone to help another person regardless of race, but I also think it's wrong that Hollywood uses this story arch constantly. It sends the wrong message, whether it's realized by the audience or not.
Fun Facts:
- Contrary to the movie, the real Michael Oher knew how to play football before he met the Tuohys. He said he enjoyed the movie except for that one part where they had to teach them how to play football.
- Tim McGraw's (who plays Sean Tuohy) "Southern Voice" was used as the song for the ending credits.